Night with drizzle again ...
Temperature now is estimated to be 25degree celcius.
Stepped out of my room with lil chill to have some walk .
Raining day currently raises my mood to being eventually lazy in doing whatever things around.
Study , watching drama, even a single lil movement....
Facing my laptop and clicked whatever i used to click .
Considered it as extra time for me to click on facebook, website and blaa
A click on fb did give some surprise exclamation to me .
Perhaps the others either , as to see a lil change within couple fella's profile which hav link related with some special relatioship.^^ Is that sort *crush may happen unconcious* ?
Well ~ jus sincerely wish wit bless to both of them wit this new relationship
Odd when the exictation that usually occur for me to do on all the online shopping jus nv seem works on me >.<
Glanced all over my notes , helpless feeling gushes even stregthen in me.
Hence decide not to see them tonight till my soul is back.
May it jus be the reason of Missing home ~
p.s : madly demand for ice-cream in raining day ~
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