Grateful - 感激

Open my eyes.
It is 30th December 2012...
Ignore on counting how many hours leave to say goodbye to 2012
As it wont make any changes right ~  instead of thinking what to do for the rest hours?
Days after looking forward the frightening prophetic 21-12-2012 !
so call the Doom day ...
Well , life still goes on as normal as usual ...

I remember the day while chilling under the moon river by waiting the so call doom day ?
Memories of this year flashed back ..
Think that how grateful life can be yet how sorrow life can

Grateful that I can officially grow to age 23 after 19-12-2012 ( I AM OLD)
Grateful to receive plenty warm wishes from friends and family during the down moments  !
Grateful to be surprised with plenty gifts by good friends around ( will show once I take them down)
Grateful that I am officially recovered from sickness !  (  I am as healthy as last time now )
Grateful has the chance became witness for my BFF ROM ( registration of marriage )
Grateful that have chance to travel  few places this year ! ( ps : have fun is part of life right ?)
Grateful I had end my University life with so many happiness and sorrow
Grateful that I have so many obstacle throughout this whole 2012 year and I had go through not matter what ....
Grateful that life still goes on.... =)

Perhaps the earth is not ready yet to shut off .
Perhaps less complain more appreciation
Everything seem to be perfect .....
Live as we will die tomorrow

ps : Love whenever you breath , smile to live the way =)

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